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Weight Lifting


I started lifting weights in the sixth grade just to get a little stronger for football. Now, I have a passion and love for the gym. Trying to hit certain personal records has become a personal challenge that I try to overcome every year. My passion for weight lifting has taught me discipline and how to handle stress. I now plan out my routines every year to optimize my time and the progress I can make.



Nutrition was an interest that came along with weight lifting. This interest came much later in my life when I started getting serious about my health. Most individuals health come from their nutrition. The gym can only take you so far if you do not have proper nutrition. Once I realized this, I started taking a more substantial measure to ensure my health was optimal. I now craft my meals each Sunday to save time and energy during the week. This also keeps me from eating food, that I know I shouldn't. Nutrition has increased my energy and focus, which helps me live a more fulfilling life. 



Biohacking is the most recent interest of mine. Biohacking is trying to fully optimize or "hack" the body and mind into peak performance. I love trying to implement new ways to feel and look better, especially if it improves my mental and physical performance. 

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